72v 100ah lifepo4 battery pack and other Li-ion batteries compared to lead acid batteries
72v 100ah lifepo4 battery pack and other Li-ion batteries compared to lead-acid batteries
Lithium-ion batteries have got a great advantage over the lead-acid battery options. This is because they don’t suffer deficit cycling. This is in cases where batteries are not fully charged before discharge. This is an issue with the lead-acid battery option and can lead to degradation of the plate if it happens repeatedly. Lithium iron phosphate batteries do not require a full charge regularly. It is actually a bit possible to improve the battery life expectancy when a partial charge is affected instead of full charge.
When designing solar electric systems, efficiency is one of the most important things that have to be considered. Round trip efficiency of lead-acid batteries on average is around 80%. There are some chemistries that can be far worse. In comparison, lithium iron phosphate batteries are upwards at around 95%-98%. This is a great improvement for systems, especially when there is limited solar energy, like the winter months. This leads to great savings.
Lead-acid batteries have an inefficient absorption charge state. This leads to an efficiency of up to 50% and sometimes less. Lithium batteries don’t have absorption charge. The charge time can be two hours. It should also be noted that lithium-ion phosphate batteries can complete discharge without any significant bad effects. The only thing is to ensure that individual cells are not over-discharged. The BMS or integrated battery management system oversees this.
The reliability and safety of lithium-ion batteries are quite a major concern. This is why a BMS needs to be integrated into the battery. This system is responsible for monitoring, evaluating, balancing, and protecting cells so that they don’t operate away from the area considered safe. This is an essential component as far as safety is concerned. It protects and monitors the cells contained in the battery so that they don’t overcurrent, over/under voltage, over/under temperature, etc. A 72v 100ah lifepo4 battery may be damaged permanently if cell voltage were to fall below 2.5 v. The BMS helps monitor all cells to prevent cell damage in case of over or under voltage.
The BMS also balances the battery pack as it charges. This ensures that all the cells are fully charged, and no overcharging occurs. Cells of the battery do not balance automatically when the charge cycle ends. There could be slight variations in the cells meaning that the cells cannot be 100% identical. Therefore, if cycled, some cells may be fully discharged or charged before others. Without proper balancing, this variance may keep increasing.
In contrast, current continues flowing in lead-acid batteries even after full charge is achieved. This causes electrolysis within that particular battery. This means the water splits into oxygen and hydrogen. This allows other cells to be fully charged and naturally balance. With lithium cells, fully charged cells are very resistant, and little current flows, which means not all cells are charged uniformly. This is why BMS is so important in li-ion batteries.
JB battery understands the workings of li-ion batteries and has the know-how and technical knowledge to create safe and efficient batteries. This Chinese lithium battery manufacture offers the best 48v lithium ion battery 100ah price. Many other lithium-ion battery packs can be accessed.